Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 13: Ding!

Today I got my graded test back from human geography. I got an 84%, which certainly works for me. But now, I want to improve and get a higher grade, perhaps a 90% or higher. This is because if you do get a 90% or higher on your test, our teacher rings a bell when he gives us our test. The bell makes a "ding" noise, which I can now remember and hear it in my mind. Now, I want to hear a ding when I get my test back. But why? What drives me to want this to happen? Well, if you don't get a ding, it tells the class that you either got a B, a C, a D or even an F. Even though I got a B, I am still in the same category of the "no ding", which also includes an F. This feeling somewhat makes me fell, unsatisfied. Next time, I will work harder to get an A.

And I will be proud, when I get that "Ding"...

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