Today we went over the test (which I got rekt by), I fixed all the things that I got wrong so I can study for a future test. Good for me, but the interesting thing that we also talked about is the "extra credit" assignment that we can do. This really got my attention because it will certainly help me end the quarter with a B, even after not doing so great on that test. We only talked about it for 5 minutes, but our teacher got to mention that he will give us points if we help fun someone's business in a foreign country. I guess that is a good idea. Sure, I need help getting my grade up, but there are a lot of people needing help to simply be able to live. Funding someone will be life changing to them. Even though I am not sure if I am donating or loaning, people who loan to these humans in need get payed back 95% of the time. That is actually higher than in a lot of countries, even for online funding cites such as .
But yeah, I guess in the end, we will all get that extra boost we need...
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