Wednesday, October 28, 2015

*Day 26: Kiva Extra Credit*

This will be my extra credit blog, talking about

What is Kiva?
Kiva is a website where you can loan $25 to people with economical problems, so you can help them kick-start their business. They are a non-profit organization that only seek to help people in deep poverty. They have a high reputation; thanks to their 98.46% repayment rate, and their high amount of lenders. They also have high efficiency across the globe because they have over 450 volunteers in 83 different countries.

What borrowers would I pick?


By loaning Andres, I could help him buy seeds and fertilizer for his farm, giving him an opportunity to start a stable business. With the reliable income, he could get his family the things they need, specially to his mother and father, who have been such a big influence in his life. Not only will this help him, bu it will help provide food for other local businesses in the area, which he will probably be selling the crops too.

Luz Dary

Luz is a 48-year old woman who used to struggle by working unfairly long hours in exchange for low wages. But now that she opened her own restaurant, she earns more. Her goal is too expand her business, and she wants to buy a motorcycle to be able to have a food delivery service. To Americans, the idea of a motorcycle is kind of silly, but they are not buying a Harley Davidson hardcore bike, they are buying a motorcycle that is more closely related to a scooter. These are actually commonly used by villagers to travel around, since cars are way too expensive for them. But anyway, I am certain that Luz Dary will make good use of the vehicle if she reaches her loan goal.

Why Colombia?
I would pick people from Colombia because in Colombia, there is a problem with the government, economy and safety. Rebellious terrorists called "Las Farc" force people to leave their villages and give them their possessions. There is also a considerably high robbery rate in Colombia, and people are having trouble making enough money to support their family. Maybe Colombia isn't the country that has the people that need the most help, but I have been there, and I have seen the lives of the villagers myself, so I know how my donation would impact them. With $25 dollars, I am certain these people will be able to change their lives, and the lives of people who they love. They will be happier.

Thank you, Kiva...

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